Challenge Set 1: 11 Feb 2022

Balancing Cubes Instruction Guide
Look for the instruction below that corresponds to your assigned cube number and solve your cube according to that!
1: Get the ball to the centre spot
2: Get the ball to sit on the hole
3: Separate the bigger balls from the smaller balls
4: Move the two balls to the two holes
5: Get one ring over each ball
6: Put the ball into the hollow cylinder
7: Get the balls into the outer circle of holes
8: Get one ball on each side
9: Get one ball to sit on every hole
10: Get all the rings onto the column
11: Get one ball on each hole
12: Get the balls into the containers
13: Try to put each ball on small holes of the surface
14: Try to get as many balls in the holes as possible, can you get all?
15: Get the bigger balls into the columns and the smaller balls into the steel ring
16: Try to get as many balls within the ring as possible, can you get all?
17: Get the balls on the holes
18: Get the balls to their respective holes
19: Get each ball into a basket and the baskets into the holes
20: Separate the small balls and big balls, one line each
Challenge Set 2: 18 Feb 2022 (Part 1 of 3)

Soma Shapes

Challenge Set 2: 20 Feb 2022 (Part 2 of 3)

Challenge Set 2: 23 Feb 2022 (Part 3 of 3)

Challenge Set 3: 25 Feb 2022 (Part 1 of 2)

Challenge Set 3: 02 Mar 2022 (Part 2 of 2)

Challenge Set 4: 7 Mar 2022

Challenge Set 5: 11 Mar 2022